3 reasons poor sleep is causing your digestive issues
Before I qualified as a nutritionist, during my studies I worked in various retail and hospitality roles like many students. Initially it was retail then I realised how handy pub work was. I could work at night and either study or socialise during the day. Because my best friends also worked in the pub, this […]
The role of stress in digestive issues.

I was transported back to the height of my IBS earlier this week after a conversation with a fabulous lady I’m working with this week We were discussing a bad flare up she had struggled with a few days before, reflecting on her food diary to see if we could pinpoint the cause As she […]
Digestive issues and female life stages

If you’re somebody who menstruates (or previously) and you notice a change in your digestion at different stages of your cycle, you are not alone! Among those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), women are more likely to have severe digestive symptoms and these symptoms are more severe during menses (1). Despite this being so common, […]
3 ways food guilt is causing your bloating

Could food guilt be the cause of your bloating? When we suffer from bloating the first place we look is the food we have eaten. Which is of course a natural response to any digestive discomfort. We might turn to Google for support, to figure out which foods could be causing the problem, so we […]
3 things you need to cut out to get rid of bloating

If you’re someone who struggles with constant bloating or digestive issues, this is for you. A question I’m asked almost daily from the people I work with and followers is: What should I cut out to get rid of bloating? Today I’m answering your question and I’m sharing my 3 things we can all cut […]
Who is F.I.G (Food Is Good) Nutrition?

Maybe you have stumbled across my website by accident or you might be a long time follower. Either way, if you’re wondering who F.I.G (Food Is Good) Nutrition is or what it’s all about, keepreading! Hello! My name is Sarah Hawkins and I am the founder of F.I.G (Food Is Good) Nutrition. I am an […]
How to manage digestive issues while travelling

Do you suffer from digestive issues which get worse while you’re travelling? If so, please know that you are not alone. In fact, this is one of the most common complaints in clinic and a subject I spend a lot of time supporting the people I work with to manage, as many of them travel […]

There are thousands of different bacterial strains, all of which have different effects and functions and there is a lack of research to identify what exactly is a good or a bad strain.

In my opinion – intermittent fasting is another diet. It has its place and may allow people to better stick to a caloric deficit due to time restrictions on food consumption, however it does take quite a lot of planning. I wouldn’t recommend it to the general population.

January has arrived as have all the diet culture and detox plans that come with the post Christmas bloat.